Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Ice storm of 2009

Hello again,
Been lots of fun here in the last few days.
We had a winter storm earlier in the week. It sleeted for a while, so we had little ice balls all
over the place. Then we had a little freezing rain. It was not as bad as it was last winter.

The dogs are hilarious out in the yard. When the sleet was falling , it did not stick to it self , so you could kick it around. The first time Jewell went out in it the squirrel was on the fence. She ran
out into the yard and then slide into the fence. She was fine, didn't faze her at all. She kept trying
catch that stupid squirrel. Later she was running along the fence line and would stop , but she would slide and the ice pellets would fly around her. She kept doing it so I know she was playing.

The animals are finally getting over the stomach virus that everyone , including all of us, had.
We took Jewell in to get her shots, and we asked the vet about it , she said that there area lot of stomach viruses that you can give or get from your animals. Not really much to do about it except clean up until it is gone.

We have discovered one thing that is good. I had read in one of my groups, that a cat breeder would use pine word shavings for cat litter. I got a big bag of it at the farm store, it cost $5.
We did that two weeks ago and still have more than half of the bag left. It is a lot neater than the clay litter and there is almost no smell.

The kids have been home from school since Monday because of the ice. The side streets are bad, the main streets are clean. The buses have not been able to get through. Also , they have to make sure the school grounds are safe for the kids. Don't want anyone walking around to classes and fall and get hurt.

We really are not that well prepared for a lot of ice, snow , whatever , we only have it for a month or so, if that much . It would not be cost effective to be prepared like they are in the
snow belts.

Well , I need to go do some stitching on some of my stuff , more later.

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Year

Well, here we are in a new year already. Time sure does fly when you aren't looking.
Hope the new year is good for everyone.

One of our kittys has diabetes, we are treating him for that. His blood sugar is hard to regulate.
He seems to be doing OK. Leo has some neuropathy in his back legs. He walks flat footed with his back legs. it does not seem to be slowing him down any. He stills trys to jump on things when he should not. Oh, well, at least he is still enjoying life, although he still does not like the dog, Jewell , sniffing on him.

Jewell has been losing weight , not good in winter, so I got her some canned food. She needs to get some winter weight back on her. She tends to run alot so she needs the energy. Jewell has been off her food since we had to euthanize Ruby. It seems that she goes looking for her in the back yard sometimes, she wanders around with her tail droopy and her head down , sniffing around.

The weather around here can't make up it's mind. It is 25 degrees out one day , then the next day it is 55 or 65. Crazy stuff, no ice or snow yet , but then winter is not over.

While I write this , I am printing some stuff out and one of our cats has decided that he needs to see where the paper is coming from. At least he did not jam it up by putting his feet inside the area where the paper comes out , Duchess did that once. Crazy animals.

Well , tomorrow is inauguration day, I am going to tivo it because Jeff has to work. Love him or hate him , we have a new president. I hope the idiots are at a minimum. We don't need a bunch of trouble.

Oldest son Joe, got a job with a contractor at the air base near by, he is doing something with supplies , not really sure what. It is a temp job , hope it becomes permanent. He has a decent shot at getting permanent, the guy who runs it is a retired Air Force man , so Joe being a Marine is a good thing in eyes.

Sharon is still at Convergys with me . Same old thing for now. Yesterday was fun(NOT), the fiber optics that carry the Filipino and Vietnamese programing were out , and of course everyone called. There was message on the screen that said we are aware , no need to call, so guess what every one did ?............That's right! They called us . Now , before anyone says , that is because they could not read the English writing , I want you to know that folks who were born in the US do the exact thing. No one believes what the messages say , it is like , It don't apply to me. Just like a lot of other things. "Oh, that sign says , only 20 items , well , I am special , I will take my cart with a hundred items through the short lane."

Elizabeth is still working at Harry Bear's restaurant. The other day there was a biker wedding there. Liz said it was interesting. They parked their bikes in front of the restaurant, when they went to leave they revved all the bikes at once and she said the building rattled. They were all a pretty nice bunch.

Right now I am working on a baby quilt for a friend of Jeff's from work. As soon as I get that done I am going to work on a cross stitch picture of the Sistine Chapel. The picture will be 57 inches long and about 25 inches tall. I figure it will take me about two years , but I hope not that long.

Well , more about that later.
bye for now Debra