The college football season started today. Football is not my favorite sport.
I was in band in high school, the marching band. Guess where I was every friday night.
You guessed it , at the football field. I played the flute. It got cold at night and my flute
would be ice cold. When your lips are numb, you cannot play your flute.
Also, I did not understand the game , no one bothered to tell me what everything meant.
I know the basics, the guy with the ball is the one that everyone chases.If the guy with
the ball gets across the goal line he scores. That sort of stuff. BUT what in the world
is a 'Touch back", what does it mean when you are 4th down with something or
another to go? See what I mean.
Now , baseball, that I can understand , don't know what all the terms mean or where
they came from , but I know what the object of the game is, basically how it is played
that sort of thing. I did play softball when I was young, mostly when we lived in New
Hampshire, at Pease AFB. My father was stationed there in the late 60s early 70s.
The cats are still playing Wrestle Mania. They can be hilarious. Take a look.
Oops got caught. The white and gray cat is Nermal, he is like a Rag Doll breed of cat. He has soft , medium length fur. It stays clean , but always looks rumpled. He is big, and when you pick
him up he really relaxes, you have to be careful or he will relax right out of you arms.
The other one is Leo. He is about 5 years old and is not too sure of what to think , what with
all the new guys that have moved in . He does like to wrestle with Nermal and Sylvester.
Have to get some more pictures of when they really get going.
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