Friday, June 22, 2012

Took Jacob out to the Air Force Base to get his ID renewed.
 I decided to stop at the thrift store by the base that I don't get to very often because of the distance. Just went to what there was to see.  I saw three bags of Zote soap. It is a laundry soap in bar form. It smells better than the Fels Naphtha I have been using to make laundry soap. There were 10 bars in each bag. I got all three of them. When I was at the check out , the younger woman behind commented on them. Turns out she makes her own laundry soap , too. She had been looking for Zote , also. So I let her have one of the bags. They were $3.05 each, that is a hair over 30 cents per bar. It takes one bar to make about 2 months worth of laundry soap. So I have enough soap to make almost two years worth of laundry soap.
The Fel Naphtha costs 98 cents a bar. That seems like a good bargain to me. Plus, being as how Jeff is military retired, I got 25% off the cost, so I basically made out like a bandit and still was able to be generous with out it really impacting me. That is the ultimate in coolness.Plus the cashier put the soap in a reusable bag.

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