Yesterday I tried to post a post.
It evaporated, don't have any idea where it went.
Any way, I am going to try again.
Today started out interesting. We had a earthquake. Yep, right here in Oklahoma. We actually have a lot of earthquakes each year.This one was a 3.7 , I believe is what the media said. I slept through it. Jeff (DH) said it sounded like someone had slammed the front door real hard. He said one of the bedroom walls shook. I probably thought it was the door, that is why I did not pay any attention to it. It happened at about 8 am. Nothing was damaged. The earthquakes in this part of the country are deep in the earth. There are several deep fault lines under the middle of the U.S.
The seismographs at the universities around here are pretty active.
So , I lost my job at Convergys on Tuesday this pas week. That afternoon I applied online to the Sprint call center that is in Oklahoma City. I got a call that afternoon to come in for an interview that next day. As long as I pass the drug test and the background check, I should have a job sometime next week. I am going to see if I can get the training class that starts on March 30. The bad thing about working at Sprint is that the center is 25 miles away , one way. I may end up getting rid of my grand am and getting something that gets better gas mileage . It is all highway there and back, so that is not too bad. I just hope I get a shift that does not start or end at rush hour.
My daughter Sharon still has some more tests to see if the docs can find out what is wrong with her stomach. She does not have gall stones , but the doctor still thinks she has gall bladder disease. The doctor can't just send her to surgery without proof of a diagnosis, it would be medically unethically to operate with out a good reason. He thinks she may be diabetic. She has a doctor appointment to check that out next week. I hope she is fine and just needs to be careful with her diet and exercise and that kind of thing , she is only 20 . We have a strong family history for diabetes though. My mother is a diet/oral medication controlled diabetic, her sister and brother are diabetic. My first cousin has a child that has juvenile diabetes.So that is a lot of people with diabetes right there. Jeff's mom has hypoglycemia , which is a form of diabetes and I think Jeff's mom's mom had it too, not sure of that though.
The pets are doing good too. Last month when all of us had a stomach flu, the poor cats did too. They are better now too.
Well, I guess that is it for now. I really gotta get some more pictures up on this thing.
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