Monday, March 30, 2009

Started my new job today

I started my new job today.I think it will be a lot better than the last one.
The Sprint building is a lot cleaner. It just looks more pleasant all around.
I won't use the free cell service, we just started a new contract with T-Mobile, I like T-Mobile
though, been with them for over 5 years.

Poor Jewell was looking for me today. It is the first day in four weeks I have not been home all
day, so the poor doggie is missing me. Hopefully she will adjust.With summer coming on , she can spend time outdoors chasing that silly squirrel that has been bothering her all winter.

Plus , she likes to watch the birds in the trees. She sure is a silly dog. Sharon said she was eating the seed pods from the maple trees. Goofy puppy.

Well, got some stuff to do and the weather is acting up . more later

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