Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Year

Hi everyone , it is almost 2007.

We had a pretty nice Christmas, I had to work Christmas day, but the girls helped get Christmas dinner going.

Mostly Jeff and I have just been working hard.

I am working on some granny squares to make some more blankets/afghans. It gets chilly in the house at night and when the temperature is under 60 outside.

We have not had anymore snow since November 30, but we have had a couple of rain storms.

Yesterday we actually had a big thunderclap over the house yesterday evening . Poor Nermal the cat just about jumped out of his skin , Sylvester the cat did not even twitch an ear.

Sharon , my now 18 year old, got the cats collars for Christmas, most of the cats tolerate them , one of the cats, Sparky, actually likes his collar. That cat is kinda of a strange critter anyway. If you are staying up too late in the living room , he will come out of the girls bedrooms and meow at us to go to bed, if I don't tell him we are going to bed he will keep it up until we turn the lights off and leave the room.

Jacob the 15 year old boy went from a size 14 pants to small adults size. Oh and he is now at least an inch taller than me. (I am only 5 foot tall) I did not notice when that happened.

Back to Sharon. She got a job at a hotel as the desk person. She really likes the job. Like any job where you deal with the public she says there are some real wackos that come in.

Elizabeth is looking for a job for the summer.

Joe is going to start looking for a summer job , the job he is doing right now will stop in the summer, it is distributating fund raiser products to the schools in the state.

Here is a picture of the kids at thanksgiving , ain't they just the cuteset bunch.

Well, I will be back later with some pictures of Christmas , Joe's birthday (December 24), and my crochet stuff.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

It has been a while

Hi folks,

It has been a while , it was busy here .

We have snow on the ground still, It snowed last Thursday, November 30th here is a picture of the snowthe guys went to shovel the snow and ice off the sidewalk and the driveway. Thats right , we had 2 inches of freezing rain before the 2 or 3 inches of the snow fell. Lucky for us the rain/sleet froze on the ground not on the trees and electric lines. Our directv only fluttered once during the blizzard part of the storm.

We were going to get Duchess spayed on the Thursday that the storm hit, so we had to cancel that . We are going to try to do it this Thursday. Here is a picture of her in the snow on that Friday
Look at her sniffing the snow.
Joe and Jacob had fun playing in the snow.
well , talk some more later.