Thursday, June 28, 2012

This is why getting things at the thrift store can be fun.  I was reorganizing some storage boxes and came across a bag of craft marbles and gems. I opened them up to put them in a better package and I found this cool geode.

Sign the Citizens’ Petition for Ownership Rights | Citizens for Ownership Rights

Sign the Citizens’ Petition for Ownership Rights | Citizens for Ownership Rights

This is important. If this issue gets thru we may not have the right to resell something we bought. For example , you buy a book , you want to sell it after you read it, you won't be able to without permission from the copyright owner.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pebbles is doing so much better. Poor thing had a badly impacted anal gland on top of not keeping food down. She is more like his happy , silly self. Her and Jewell are back to chasing the rabbits in the back yard all over the place again.

Rise in Kids Eating Laundry Detergent Pods | Yahoo! Health

Rise in Kids Eating Laundry Detergent Pods | Yahoo! Health

Ok, this is bad and I do agree that those pods and packets are bad for kids.
BUT,when you have kids and/or animals you have to kid/animal proof your house. That means put the detergent where they can't get to it . Put them under lock and key if you have to. Put all your cleaning stuff away safely. Keep your medicines secured. Lock them up people. A extra step or two to wash your clothes, floors, whatever, is such a little thing to do to keep your kids/animals safe. It is also a lot cheaper to keep things up and away.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Pebbles is back home, she was not thrilled with the trip to the vet. However, she did enjoy seeing the baby horse that was up there. He is half of a set of twins. The doctor told me that when twin horses are born , one of them is usually stillborn. This little guy seems to be doing good, he is now 10 pounds heavier than a newborn foal, he is 16 weeks old. He has issues with his leg bones but she thinks that will resolve. He will most likely be a pet , though, with his leg bone issues he will not be able to be ridden. With being hand raised though, he should be good.

Pebbles has a bacterial infection in her intestines again. Have to give her pills for it and get her tested again in 2 weeks. Hopefully she will be better by then. Here is a picture of her in the car.
Two things you should never do if you are in a hurry. Go to Wal- Mart and the tag agency.

Pebbles the dog

Poor Pebbles. She threw up a couple of times yesterday. I did not feed her hardly anything yesterday. She threw up again during the night so she gets a trip to the vets today. I hope it is nothing serious. She tends to try to eat anything she finds so there is no telling what is going on with that silly girl. 
It is amazing how unobservant some people are.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Other Drivers

What is wrong with people? I stop short of a driveway to a store so people can get in or out of it. I have one idiot honk at me.  Then three cars jam in in front of me and block the drive. Then at the the stop sign at the exit off the high way some nut case is in such a hurry he has to swerve around the car coming off the highway. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Ha! It work , now I can go to town


Ok let's see if this works. 
Now I just have to figure out how to post the stuff from my mobile............
Now I can send stuff when I am not on the computer
Took Jacob out to the Air Force Base to get his ID renewed.
 I decided to stop at the thrift store by the base that I don't get to very often because of the distance. Just went to what there was to see.  I saw three bags of Zote soap. It is a laundry soap in bar form. It smells better than the Fels Naphtha I have been using to make laundry soap. There were 10 bars in each bag. I got all three of them. When I was at the check out , the younger woman behind commented on them. Turns out she makes her own laundry soap , too. She had been looking for Zote , also. So I let her have one of the bags. They were $3.05 each, that is a hair over 30 cents per bar. It takes one bar to make about 2 months worth of laundry soap. So I have enough soap to make almost two years worth of laundry soap.
The Fel Naphtha costs 98 cents a bar. That seems like a good bargain to me. Plus, being as how Jeff is military retired, I got 25% off the cost, so I basically made out like a bandit and still was able to be generous with out it really impacting me. That is the ultimate in coolness.Plus the cashier put the soap in a reusable bag.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Well , I made dog biscuits today. The dogs love the flavor. I think the recipe is too dry, though. It did not make up into a dough properly. I will try to modify it . Tomorrow I will try a different recipe.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just posted this on my facebook wall "I got lots on my mind right now. I was giving the dogs a meaty bone brand dog biscuit. I reached into the box and pulled one out , and it pocked me. I thought it was just a broken biscuit. I looked at it and it was a piece of wire, it was sticking out about a 1/4 inch , I pulled it out of the biscuit and it is about a half inch long. I was thinking about making my own dog biscuits, now I am going to do it"

Saturday, June 02, 2012

So , the first time I made dishwasher soap it did not work very well. It cleaned the dishes, but they were cloudy. Got rid of that batch, tried again.
I used a recipe I found on Pinterest. I modified it however, but we have hard water. I used :
2 cups washing soda (NOT baking soda)
2 cups Borax
2 cups of rock salt (the original called for kosher salt, but the rock is cheaper, not as pretty , but that does not            affect the end product)
2 cups of Lemishine

mix it up and put it in an air tight container. Be prepared for it to become a solid chunk since the Lemishine attracts moisture, just break it up with a knife and use it that way, I use 1/8 cup per load unless it is really dirty. I use a coffee measure cup to scoop it out.

All of these ingredients can be found at Wal Mart. The Borax, Washing soda, and Fels Naphtha (use for home made laundry detergent) are found next to each other in the laundry area. The Lemishine is found by the dishwasher soaps.
The salt just depends on the time of year as to where that will be. Don't use table salt, for some reason it won't work as well.

If you are worried about using the borax or washing soda on your dishes, just read the ingredients on your dishwasher detergent box. The first two are the borax and soda. The last one says "enzymes", enzymes are the citric acid (limishine) and salt. At least that is what it says on the finish box which is what I have been using.

Have fun ,