Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Joe and the Marines

Our oldest son left for Marine boot camp on Febuary 11,2008. He will be there for 14 weeks. We have not heard from him yet , but we were told to expect that. By the end of the week we should have his address at boot camp so we can write to him . If you are family or friend, call us and we will give you his address. Main thing is :no cookies, no perfumed letters, nothing that will bring undo attention to Joe. He will get enough attention as it is.

Oh, I need to ask. Has anyone tried to find stationary lately? I looked and looked at Wal~Mart and found two sets, both to fuffy for me , let alone for mailing to a marine. There is now such thing as a stationary department anymore. It is terrible, what is this world coming to?

It is getting pretty scary out there.

(I snagged this picture from flickr, I hope they don't mind)

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