Saturday, December 27, 2008

Doing better

Hey folks,
I am doing better. I still miss Ruby , but it is getting easier to deal.

Now, for some pet peeves.....................the people who make pop-ups and viruses ought to be flogged or something. I have spent a good portion of two days trying to get rid of some Trojans. spy ware, and a browser hi-jacker. It is a real pain......argh!!!!!........just had another one pop-up.I have STOPzilla running right now , we will see how well it does. My virus protector caught part of it , but some slipped through. I bet a bunch of new ones were just let loose.

In other news , I just finished a small wolf picture for Liz, just gotta get it framed.
I am working on a stamped cross stitch baby quilt for a co-worker/friend of my husband's.
I think it will be really cute, I am going to line it with some blue polyester satin when I get done.

Christmas was good , my daughter Sharon and her fiance got me a Victoria's Secret cologne, perfume and body lotion set. It is really pretty, not too strong.

I got Jeff a DVD recorder to hook up to the TV. It was a really good price, got it on sale. Jeff
is excited, he likes to record baseball stuff and will be able to save a bunch of space by getting rid of a bunch of VCR tapes.

Joe got himself his first car. It is a red version of my car, has a good amount of miles on it , but is in over all great shape. He is doing good, right now he is doing his monthly reserve duty. He worked at a temp job for the fall and is going for an interview next week for a permanent job.

Jacob got a harmonica for Christmas , he is really committed to learning how to play it. He is
enjoying it a lot. That was one of the best gifts he got he said, not sure if he likes the harmonica or the Narutoo game he got better.

Well, time to go , I have to go to work tomorrow. Be nice when we win the lottery , then I wont have to go to work....................ha ha ha . like that will ever happen. Well , good night, be back later.

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